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This open-source community-driven project is aimed at 4 major goals:

Reduce the carbon emissions from flights:

As the world is moving towards greener world using electric energy, flights on the other hand have made a little progress, this is largely due to the fact that the current Battery technology has far less energy density than the traditional fuel. This is a major problem and thus requires urgency in solving. This project currently aims at making flights efficient by testing out:

Improve the safety standards by analyzing accidents, collaborating with big Aerospace giants etc:

The current aerospace world is rapidly expanding as the new start-ups, Governments, multi-billion dollar companies etc all try to dominate the industry. The Old players have long experience in the field and can cope with the safety, efficiency etc, but the newer companies etc need proper standards to improve the efficiency, safety etc of their products and also accelerate the growth of the industry

Educate the world about the Aerospace by simplifying it and making it accessible, learners from developing world and under-developed countries can make big leaps:

Education is key to growth for all humanity, but due to economic conditions, war, politics etc, not all receive fair education. This project aims at making aerospace education free and simple, yet accessible to all.

Integrating Open-source in critical infrastructure in the flights, drones (UAV) etc:

Open-source is a true and tested way of code, using critical infrastructure, and from the past 20 years or more, open-source is at the core core of all Internet’s infrastructure, including banking, health-care etc. Thus this project aims at utilizing open-source code at all the critical components in flights throughout the world. This will improve the safety of the flight significantly.

Call for contribution:

This is a vast and complicated project, thus requires a lot of expertise and an army of contributors/volunteers. There is a lot of testing of flow dynamics, analyzing etc using powerful hardware with very limited funding. As this project requires a lot of time, money and dedication, every contribution from the company/individual is appreciated.

Spread the word of this project so that as many engineers, programmers, designers, scientists, teachers, speakers, writers etc and even companies join and make a change in the Aerospace world.

People/companies interested can email at: